Monday, 20 July 2015

20th July 2015, Monday

Snatch x 1 x 3

Front Squat x 2 x 3

Teams Of 2

7 Mins AMRAP
7 OHS 135#
14 DU

7 Mins AMRAP
7 Thruster 135#
14 DU


  1. Snatch 1x5x30#

    FS 2x3x60/80/80#

    WOD (JZ and Thomas 7rds/7rds)
    7 mins
    7 OHS 30#
    14 tucks

    7 mins
    7 thrusters 30#
    14 tucks

  2. Snatch Practice: 1x5 (60#)

    FS: 2x3 (135#, 180#, 180#)

    WOD (Claire & Jared)

    8 Rds

    OHS (Jared - 70#; Claire - 30#)
    Claire - TJ
    Jared - Attempted 4 DU, 10 TJ

    7Rds, 2 Thrusters

    Thrusters (Jared - 100#; Claire - 30#)
    Claire - TJ
    Jared - Attempted 4 DU, 10 TJ

  3. Snatch x 1 x 3
    40/55/60# F

    Front Squat x 2 x 3

    WOD : Team Wayne/Ning
    6 rounds + 6 OHS
    4 rounds + 2 Thrusters

    Ning: 40# OHS / 60# Thrusters / 5 DU + 9 Tucks

  4. snatch 135 x 2 / 146f
    front squat 205/225/225(1)
    wod with Lenny
    13 rounds + 7 OHS
    8 Rounds + 7 OHS
